There are five French translations of Frank's books. Most recently, Soldats de la parole was launched, the French translation of A word a word. 'Un brillant essai" wrote L'Opinion.
Cover van Was uns zu Mensen macht, Duitse vertaling van Wij, de mens.
Eight of Frank's books have now been translated to German, including Das Getreiderepublik (De graanrepublik) and Was uns zu Menschen macht (Wij, de mens).
Publishing house Editora Âyine in Belo Horinzonte, Brazil has acquired the Portuguese translation rights of Engineers of the Soul. This Portuguese edition is expected to be launch in 2024
Publishing house Pandora has acquired the Rumanian translation rights of Engineers of the Soul. This Rumanian edition is expected to be launch in 2025. More to follow soon.
Russian translation rights for The Cosmic Comedy have been bought by publishing house RIPOL in Moscow (in 2021).
Cover van Zival Nadzival, Sloveense vertaling van Dier, bovendier.
Studentska Zalozba published two Slovenian translations: Inženirji duše (2010) and Žival, nadžival (2013).